Bathing girl

La historia oficial
IMDb 7.7/10  (10 887)
RFF 9.5/10  (2)
SC 5.5/10 

Year: 1985
Country: Argentina
Actors and Actresses: Analia Castro
Tags: bathing girl
Review: This is an emotionally gripping, fictional look at a couple torn apart by the infamous Argentine campaign of killings and torture that sent thousands of accused terrorists to unmarked graves in the mid-and late-'70s. Alicia (Norma Aleandro) and Roberto (Hector Alterio) adopted a little girl (Analia Castro) during this period of governmental terror in Argentina. Alicia has always wondered about the parents of their little girl, a topic her husband has forced her into forgetting as a condition of the adoption -- he alone knows the full story. Thanks to censorship, Alicia -- like others -- is not fully aware of how much killing has gone on until her students at school start complaining that their textbook histories were written by murderers. Add to this a long conversation with a friend who had been in exile after she was tortured by the government, and Alicia starts to do some serious political and personal research on her own. The results reveal the identity of the little girl's dead parents and reveal that Alicia's husband has had a nasty hand in the government repression and dirty dealings with foreign businesses. She also learns the identity of the girl's grandmother. Her next decision will determine what to do with this information. - Eleanor Mannikka, All Movie Guide
Movie added at: 09.09.2023

'La historia oficial'

Carmen & Babyface
IMDb 4.6/10  (56)
RFF 5.9/10  (7)
SC 8.4/10 

Year: 1995
Country: Denmark
Tags: bathing girl
Review: A sister and brother must deal with their parents' divorce in this Danish family drama. It is set during the Berlin crisis in 1962. Carmen, the nervous one, and her brother Adrian, aka Babyface, lead happy lives. Their father is a ceramist, and their mother is an earth momma. After their pappa runs away with an apprentice, the family harmony is shattered. The devastated mother and her children move to a drafty old cottage in the country. The children are outcast by their new schoolmates. Carmen avoids them, but Adrian is bullied. He finally does find a friend, but the friendship is temporary. Adrian's teacher finally provides him the nurturance he craves. An electrical storm brings ominous developments to the little family. - Sandra Brennan, All Movie Guide
Movie added at: 19.08.2023

'Carmen & Babyface'

Asfour Stah
IMDb 6.7/10  (2 072)
RFF 7.1/10  (35)
SC 6.2/10 

Year: 1990
Country: Tunisia, France, Italy
Actors and Actresses: Selim Boughedir
Tags: bathing boy, bathing girl
Review: A coming-of-age comedy/drama set in Tunisia. Twelve-year-old Noura is an impressionable boy who must learn to reconcile two conflicting worlds - the loving world of Muslim women and the vastly different, harsher world of men - while also dealing with his own budding sexuality. - IMDb
Movie added at: 22.07.2023

'Asfour Stah'

Smash Palace
IMDb 7.0/10  (1 170)
RFF 10.0/10  (1)
SC 3.2/10 

Year: 1981
Country: New Zealand
Actors and Actresses: Greer Robson-Kirk
Tags: bathing girl
Review: Al Shaw's life revolves around motor racing and his back country junkyard, the "Smash Palace". His French wife, Jacqui, doesn't appreciate the lack of attention due to Al's obsession with cars. When Al finds her in the arms of another man, he takes his daughter, Georgie and heads for the bush, desperately hoping to hold on to the only family he has left. - Evan Yates, IMDb
Movie added at: 08.07.2023

'Smash Palace'

Le manège de Pauline
RFF 6.4/10  (8)
SC 6.9/10 

Year: 1991
Country: France
Actors and Actresses: Laura Martel
Tags: bathing girl
Movie added at: 01.07.2023

'Le manège de Pauline'

IMDb 6.6/10  (15 143)
RFF 6.6/10  (5)
SC 2.6/10 

Year: 2009
Country: United Kingdom
Actors and Actresses: Zak Davies, Harrison Sansostri, Freya Parks, Martha West, Christopher Dunkin, Gene Goodman, Anabolena Rodriguez
Tags: bathing boy, bathing girl
Review: What happens when a world-renowned scientist, crushed by the loss of his eldest daughter, formulates a theory in conflict with religious dogma? This is the story of Charles Darwin and his master-work "The Origin of Species". It tells of a global revolution played out within the confines of a small English village; a passionate marriage torn apart by the most dangerous idea in history; and a theory saved from extinction by the logic of a child. - IMDb
Movie added at: 03.06.2023



RFF 8.7/10  (3)
SC 3.9/10 

Year: 1972
Country: West Germany
Actors and Actresses: Anna Momber, Timmo Niesner
Tags: bathing girl
Review: The series initially dealt with the children's problems in several contributions and filmed, for example, with a hidden camera in Berlin. Later, under the series title Denkste especially children's films shown. - IMDb
Movie added at: 20.05.2023


IMDb 6.0/10  (73)
RFF 9.0/10  (3)
SC 9.1/10 

Year: 2001
Country: Russia
Actors and Actresses: Masha Oamer, Sasha Korolyov
Tags: bathing girl
Review: The film is set in a small village in western Russia. It is a story about two days from the life of an ordinary family: a father, a mother and their five-year-old daughter. That’s what Garik Sukachyov says about his film: "On June 22, 1941, a family is celebrating the daughter’s birthday. It is a beautiful sunny day, full of joy and merriment. For the girl, it is filled with important events and adventure – her birthday is celebrated by the whole village, not just by her family. And no one yet knows that tomorrow her father will leave for his work in a district center and come back a few hours later in a home guard uniform only to say goodbye to his family. And that at the moment of their leave-taking the Germans already will be entering the village. And that they will be shot by the river, on the same bank where only yesterday the carefree, happy family was sunbathing and having fun..." -
Movie added at: 06.05.2023


IMDb 7.1/10  (12)
RFF 6.6/10  (7)
SC 9.3/10 

Year: 1976
Country: Norway
Actors and Actresses: Anne Skinnarland, Gro Ofte
Tags: bathing girl
Movie added at: 01.04.2023


La faute à Fidel!
IMDb 7.5/10  (5 209)
RFF 5.2/10  (5)
SC 5.3/10 

Year: 2006
Country: Italy, France
Actors and Actresses: Benjamin Feuillet, Gabrielle Vallières, Nina Kervel-Bey, Raphaëlle Molinier
Tags: bathing boy, bathing girl
Review: Caught up in the political revolution sweeping France in the early 1970s, Fernando (Stefano Accorsi) and Marie (Julie Depardieu) reject the comforts of their bourgeois life and dedicate themselves full time to radical activism. This comes as a shock to their precocious nine year-old daughter, Anna (Nina Kervel), who struggles to understand her parents’ newfound ideals. Brilliantly told from Anna’s perspective, this critically-acclaimed film by Julie Gavras captures the coming-of-age moment when children realize the contradictions of adulthood and have to make their own choices.
Movie added at: 18.03.2023


'La faute à Fidel!'

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