Érzékek iskolája
IMDb 5.7/10  (162)
SC 2.0/10 

Year: 1996
Country: Hungary
Movie added at: 18.01.2014

'Érzékek iskolája'

Een vrouw als Eva
IMDb 6.1/10  (509)
RFF 5.8/10  (6)
SC 6.5/10 

Year: 1979
Country: Netherlands
Review: Eve lives with her husband Ad and two children somewhere in Amsterdam. Eve seems reasonably happy although she sometimes has the feeling that there's something missing in her life. Her husband – thinking Eve is depressed – sends her on a holiday to France with her girlfriend Sonja. In the south of France, on the beach, Eve meets Liliane, a young feminist and commune-dweller. Eve feels strangely drawn to Liliane. Eve and Sonja pay a visit to the rural commune in with Liliane lives and works; Sonja doesn't think much of it but Eve keeps returning and seeing Liliane. When returned home, Eve tries to stay in touch with Liliane by mail and she even takes up French courses. At a later point in time, Liliane comes to Amsterdam for a big feminist convention and the two women meet again and spend time together. It is only then that Eve realizes that she is in love with Liliane. It is not without difficulties that Eve comes to terms with her feelings for Liliane. She decides to go for it and the two women get sexually involved. Ad finds out and he is furious….!
Movie added at: 11.01.2014

'Een vrouw als Eva'

Yaroslav Mudry
IMDb 7.0/10  (87)
RFF 3.5/10  (2)
SC 4.4/10 

Year: 1982
Country: Soviet Union
Actors and Actresses: Mark Gres
Review: In the XIth century Kievan Rus' reached its zenith under the reign of Yaroslav. He established enduring ties with many of the ruling European dynasties, strengthened the borders of Rus' and tried to free it from the influence of the Byzantine Empire. Since 988 the church of Rus' had been autonomous, apart from the right of Constantinople to appoint the Metropolitan. - IMDb
Movie added at: 01.01.2014

'Yaroslav Mudry' - part 1
'Yaroslav Mudry' - part 2

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