Finché c'è guerra c'è speranza
IMDb 6.7/10  (580)
SC 5.5/10 

Year: 1974
Country: Italy
Actors and Actresses: Eliana De Santis
Review: Pietro Chiocca shifts from hydraulic pumps to heavy war weapons selling. He starts traveling all around the third world looking for clients, and contract by contract his economic situation shoot up, raising also his social status. But is never enough for his family, their needs increase more than the available earnings. For Pietro to sell weapons is becoming every day more stressful, every day more filthy. It has become normal for him to sell stuff to crazy corrupted bloodthirsty African dictators. He has also to fight competition with a French rival. His dirty activity explodes on national press; he becomes a monster for the public opinion. Pietro's family is hypocritically upset with him too! May be it was better the old bathroom equipment sector. Can he come back on his steps? - IMDb
Movie added at: 24.01.2015

'Finché c'è guerra c'è speranza'

Ce que le jour doit à la nuit
IMDb 7.8/10  (3 986)
RFF 5.6/10  (7)
SC 0.8/10 

Year: 2012
Country: France
Actors and Actresses: Nicolas Rompteaux, Martin Rompteux, Iyad Bouchi
Tags: bathing boy
Review: Algeria, the 1930s. Younes is nine years old when he is put in his uncle's care in Oran. Rebaptized Jonas, he grows up among the Rio Salado youths, with whom he becomes friends. Emilie is one of the gang; everyone is in love with her. A great love story develops between Jonas and Emilie, which is soon unsettled by the conflicts troubling the country. - IMDb
Movie added at: 21.01.2015


'Ce que le jour doit à la nuit'

IMDb 7.0/10  (437)
RFF 7.0/10  (2)
SC 5.8/10 

Year: 2000
Country: Poland
Actors and Actresses: Piotr Wisiorek, Sandra Skowronek
Tags: bathing girl
Review: A commune built around the pursuit of spiritual perfection through the occult begins to see its prophecies come true. - IMDb
Movie added at: 17.01.2015



Imaginary Playmate
IMDb 4.9/10  (486)
SC 3.3/10 

Year: 2006
Country: Canada
Actors and Actresses: Nicole Muñoz, Cassandra Sawtell
Tags: bathing girl
Review: Suzanne and her stepdaughter Molly move into a new house, hoping to start afresh after Molly's mum passed away. When the seven-year-old makes an 'imaginary friend' named Candace, Suzanne assumes it's just her way of coping with everything that's happened. But as Molly's behaviour becomes ever more erratic, Suzanne begins to suspect that her stepdaughter's new playmate might not be so imaginary after all...
Movie added at: 10.01.2015

'Imaginary Playmate'

Le baiser sous la cloche
IMDb 6.7/10  (29)
RFF 6.0/10  (18)
SC 8.1/10 

Year: 1998
Country: France
Actors and Actresses: Charlotte Menville, Gaspard Génard Claus
Tags: bathing boy, boy skinny dip
Movie added at: 03.01.2015

'Le baiser sous la cloche'

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