Bathing boy

Pojedeme k mori
IMDb 6.8/10  (336)
RFF 7.0/10  (2)
SC 3.2/10 

Year: 2014
Country: Czech Republic
Actors and Actresses: Zdenek Barinka, Petr Simcák, Jan Marsál, Martin Eugen Kulhánek, Anastázie Chocholatá
Tags: bathing boy
Review: Tomas (12) gets a camera and begins making a film about his family. His enigmatic father (Ondrej Vetchý) works from home. By hiding a camera in his office, Tomas discovers that on Tuesdays and Thursdays his father leaves the house. When confronted with that fact, he denies it. On the pursuit of the great family secret Tomas reveals the hidden side of Haris, his best friend, who starts using a camera as the only way to get his mum and brother away from the hell of his violent father. Courage and profound friendship lead Tomas and Haris to the final revelation and an unpredictable conclusion. The whole film is shot and edited as if by a twelve-year-old boy. This technique allows us to perceive the world through the eyes of a child. - IMDb
Movie added at: 23.09.2020


'Pojedeme k mori'

The Home in the Tree
IMDb 6.7/10  (73)
RFF 3.5/10  (2)
SC 8.3/10 

Year: 2019
Country: China
Tags: bathing boy, boy skinny dip
Review: This is a childhood story which took place in a village of the central Shaanxi plain in the late 1990s. In the context that students were judged by their grades, Ba-Wang Chaoguo, a student at a primary school, was a bad student in the eyes of his teachers and parents. Not recognized by his parents and teachers, Ba-Wang Chaoguo saw a big tree in the field as his own "Home". And he hid all of his favorite things in the tree. The nature of child caused many conflicts between Ba-Wang Chaoguo and adults' world until one day Miss Fen came to work as a teacher. Miss Fen appointed him as the librarian of the class. Also he became a good friend of the female teacher and his "Home" also became the female teacher's "Home". However, the good times didn't last long. The preferential treatment he received was changed after the arrival of Miss Fen's boyfriend...... - IMDb
Movie added at: 16.09.2020


'The Home in the Tree'

Mi Xiang
IMDb 6.1/10  (21)
SC 5.8/10 

Year: 2009
Country: China, France
Tags: bathing boy
Movie added at: 09.09.2020

'Mi Xiang'

588 rue Paradis
IMDb 6.9/10  (2 089)
RFF 5.4/10  (7)
SC 4.0/10 

Year: 1992
Country: France
Actors and Actresses: Alexis Tomassian, Cédric Doucet, Tom Ponsin
Tags: bathing boy
Review: The story of an Armenian who becomes a famous French playwright, hiding or forgetting his humble origins, only to rediscover them through the genuine warmth and sincerity of simple people.
Movie added at: 12.08.2020

'588 rue Paradis'

Het verdriet van België
IMDb 6.4/10  (73)
RFF 5.9/10  (10)
SC 6.3/10 

Year: 1995
Country: France, Netherlands, Belgium
Actors and Actresses: Mathias Engelbeen
Tags: bathing boy
Review: The tale of Louis Seynaeve, who comes to terms with his identity as a young Flemish boy during the 1940s. The war and his vivid and eccentric family serve as catalysts for a budding intellectual's coming-of-age.
Movie added at: 05.08.2020

'Het verdriet van België'

Ulvepigen Tinke
IMDb 6.4/10  (642)
RFF 5.9/10  (14)
SC 6.7/10 

Year: 2002
Country: Denmark, Sweden
Actors and Actresses: Sarah Juel Werner, Peter Jeppe Hansen
Tags: bathing boy, bathing girl
Review: Denmark 1850. Tinke, a 9-year-old orphan from the wilderness, struggles to find her unknown, rich grandparents. She comes from nothing and finally gets everything, but - Tinke isn't Cinderella. Tinke is more than that." - IMDb
Movie added at: 01.08.2020


'Ulvepigen Tinke'

IMDb 5.9/10  (643)
RFF 6.4/10  (17)
SC 4.4/10 

Year: 2000
Country: Denmark
Actors and Actresses: Stephania Potalivo, Sasia Mølgaard, Sebastian Jessen, Stefan Pagels Andersen
Tags: bathing boy
Review: Ttwelve-year-old boy Dennis P lives in Copenhagen with his mother. Since the death of his father, his mother has been both depressed and overprotective. At school he struggles to cope with a mean and obsessive teacher, and the girl he likes seems to be more interested in his best friend than him. One day he walks into a church and, expecting little effect, exclaims his wishes of better luck at home and at school. Miraculously, an angel who looks a lot like Dennis' father appears and presents him the gift of a pair of angel wings. From then on, Dennis can literally get anything he points at, changing the behaviour of other people as he sees fit. It's the experience of a lifetime, but can it last? - IMDb
Movie added at: 29.07.2020



IMDb 7.7/10  (12 771)
RFF 6.7/10  (24)
SC 8.7/10 

Year: 2004
Country: Chile, Spain, United Kingdom, France
Actors and Actresses: Ariel Mateluna, Matías Quer, Manuela Martelli
Tags: bathing boy
Review: Andrés Wood’s film examines the events leading up to the September 1973 military coup in Chile through the eyes of a soft, sensitive 11-year-old boy named Gonzalo, who comes from a rich, unhappy Santiago family and attends an exclusive private school. There, he meets Pedro Machuca, one of a number of poor boys granted scholarsips by the headmaster, a priest flush with the egalitarian spirit of the times. The friendship of the two boys — whose frequent companion is Silvana, a spritied girl from the shantytown where Pedro lives — develops as the country slides into political turmoil. Mr. Wood, who based "Machuca" on events from his own childhood, hews closely to Gonzalo’s point of view, and in spite of a few schematic, overdone scenes, the movie is subtle, quiet and forceful. — A. O. Scott, The New York Times
Movie added at: 22.07.2020



Poslednie kholoda
IMDb 6.0/10  (15)
RFF 7.1/10  (14)
SC 8.6/10 

Year: 1993
Country: Kazakhstan
Actors and Actresses: Kseniya Baranova, Vitali Gusev, Nariman Bekturov, Vasili Galganov
Tags: bathing boy, bathing girl
Review: The film is an adaptation of the work of the same name by Albert Likhanov. It is set in a small provincial city far from the front during April and May of 1945. The story focuses on the relationship between two children evacuated from the front, Vladik and Maria, with Akezhan, a boy who is a bit older. We enter intimately into the different characters through the Akezhan's looks, his emotions, and his reactions.
Movie added at: 11.07.2020

'Poslednie kholoda'

Jonny kommt
IMDb 6.4/10  (29)
RFF 6.6/10  (22)
SC 8.6/10 

Year: 1988
Country: East Germany
Actors and Actresses: Dirk Müller, Marius Schönefeld, Sebastian Hattop, Susanne Saewert, Silke Natzke, Benjamin Burkhardt
Tags: bathing boy
Review: Jonny, ein etwa 12jähriger Junge, dessen Vater unbekannt ist und dessen Mutter ihn nicht mehr zu Hause haben wollte und ihn deswegen in ein Kinderheim abgeschoben hat, sehnt sich nach einer Familie. So macht er sich eines Tages auf den Weg zur Familie des Arztes, der die Heimkinder medizinisch betreut und zu dem er sich hingezogen fühlt. Zunächst reagiert dessen Familie recht positiv auf Jonny. Das trotzige und teilweise aggressive Verhalten führen jedoch dazu, dass der Plan, Jonny endgültig aus dem Heim zu holen, ihn möglicherweise zu adoptieren, ins Wanken gerät... -
Movie added at: 24.06.2020

'Jonny kommt'

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