Nude girl

IMDb 7.7/10  (622)
RFF 7.0/10  (39)
SC 9.9/10 

Year: 1976
Country: Hungary
Actors and Actresses: Zsuzsa Czinkóczi, Emese Nagy
Tags: bathing girl
Review: This critically acclaimed film follows the tragic life of an eight-year-old orphan girl. Living under a government that sanctions money to foster parents, she finds herself shuffled from family to family; with each move she encounters increasingly brutal abuse. A beautifully acted film with explores an all too real pathos.
Movie added at: 25.08.2024


Sklenený dum
IMDb 5.8/10  (29)
RFF 5.3/10  (9)
SC 5.4/10 

Year: 1982
Country: Czechoslovakia
Actors and Actresses: Martin Vedral, Michaela Kudlácková, Eva Kudlacková, Michaela Kuklová, Jan Kreidl
Tags: bathing boy, bathing girl
Review: Pavla (Michaela Kudiackova) has been put in an orphanage, also a home for underprivileged children, while her father is "free" to concentrate on his own life. Pavla develops an unhealthy dependence on her group's housemother, Jarmila (Veronika Freimanova), to the point where she is jealous of Jarmila's fiance -- and has raised the shackles of the forbidding Mrs. Moravek (Anna Ferencova). Finally, Jarmila cannot continue in the role that Pavla has placed on her, and she takes measures to end the dependence, no matter what the outcome. - Eleanor Mannikka, All Movie Guide
Movie added at: 10.08.2024

'Sklenený dum'

Ein Haus für uns
IMDb 4.7/10  (16)
SC 6.6/10 

Year: 1974
Country: West Germany
Actors and Actresses: Katja Wulff
Tags: bathing girl
Movie added at: 03.08.2024

'Ein Haus für uns'

Kodomo no koro senso ga atta
IMDb 4.7/10  (15)
RFF 10.0/10  (1)
SC 8.7/10 

Year: 1981
Country: Japan
Actors and Actresses: Yuichi Saito, Catharia
Tags: boy skinny dip, bathing girl, girl skinny dip
Review: Toward the end of the WWII, Taro & his mother Kazue (Fumie Kashiyama) leave Tokyo, which the Americans have been fire-bombing. They retreat to safety in Northern Japan to stay with Taro's grandmother (Hiromi Nakahara) & two aunties (Meiko Kaji as Futae & Aiko Mimasu as Miyo) who run a bean-curd tofu company while men are off to war. His grandmother tells him never to go in the barn, because it is haunted, so of course he checks it out & discovers Emi, Aunt Futae's hidden daughter. As her father was the enemy, Emi is at risk of being taken away by the authorities, so the women protect her & hide her existence, never having registered her birth so that she does not legally exist. Taro deeply hates the enemy due to his susceptibility to the xenophobic tone of the era & having been taught that whoever does not hate Americans cannot love Japan, & who can blame anyone at a time when Tokyo was being burned down from one end to the other in an intentional policy of "kill as many civillians as possible!" But his friendship with Emi breaks down his prejudice, in an idyllic countryside beautifully photographed.
Movie added at: 15.06.2024

'Kodomo no koro senso ga atta'

RFF 6.0/10  (1)
SC 8.3/10 

Year: 1989
Country: West Germany
Actors and Actresses: Maren Pichl, Kathrin Schmitt
Tags: bathing boy, bathing girl
Review: A series of stories set in Germany in the 1950s - IMDb
Movie added at: 06.04.2024

'Brausepulver' - part 1
'Brausepulver' - part 2

Utolsó padban
IMDb 6.7/10  (42)
RFF 6.5/10  (8)
SC 3.9/10 

Year: 1976
Country: Hungary
Actors and Actresses: Imre Etelka
Tags: bathing girl
Review: A young Gypsy girl moves to the city with her family, only to be faced with racial prejudice. - IMDb
Movie added at: 30.12.2023

'Utolsó padban'

Demon Seed
IMDb 6.3/10  (10 278)
RFF 5.9/10  (7)
SC 5.2/10 

Year: 1977
Country: USA
Actors and Actresses: Michelle Stacy, Dana Laurita
Review: Scientist Alex Harris, doing research on artificial intelligence, is working on a special kind of computer. This computer grows more and more powerful and eventually succeeds in raping the scientist's wife, Susan Harris. In the end, she gives birth to a hybrid baby. - Homme A. Piest, IMDb
Movie added at: 23.12.2023


'Demon Seed'

Égi bárány
IMDb 6.4/10  (231)
RFF 6.5/10  (11)
SC 8.4/10 

Year: 1971
Country: Hungary
Actors and Actresses: Jaroslava Schallerová
Review: Alegory of the suppression of the 1919 revolution and the advent of fascism in Hungary; in the countryside, a unit of the revolutionary army spares the life of father Vargha, a fanatical priest. He comes back and leads massacres. A new force, represented by Feher, apparently avanges the people, but only to impose a different, more refined and effective kind of repression. - IMDb
Movie added at: 07.10.2023

'Égi bárány'

Io speriamo che me la cavo
IMDb 6.9/10  (2 310)
RFF 6.6/10  (19)
SC 7.3/10 

Year: 1992
Country: Italy
Actors and Actresses: Adriano Pantaleo, Mario Bianco, Marco Troncone, Maria Esposito, Carmela Pecoraro, Francesco Borutto, Maria Troncone, Roberta Galli, Antonio Scotto di Frega, Anna Rita D'Anzio
Review: Marco Sperelli is a teacher, he is divorced and he is sent to work in Corzano, a town near Naples. The first day of work he finds in the school only the school-caretaker and few girls and boys in the class-room. He goes out looking for them and he discovers then a wretched life led by the boys and the girls of Corzano. A life in which only power and violence are worth respecting. Sperelli tries to teach something different but he gets their respect only by slapping Raffaele, on the way to became a camorrist. His presence and his work, however, disturb too many persons and he will be transferred. - IMDb
Movie added at: 07.10.2023

'Io speriamo che me la cavo'

Ronja Rövardotter
IMDb 7.3/10  (12 282)
RFF 7.0/10  (45)
SC 7.0/10 

Year: 1984
Country: Sweden, Norway
Actors and Actresses: Hanna Zetterberg, Dan Håfström
Tags: boy skinny dip, bathing girl, girl skinny dip
Review: During a storm, lightening strikes and physically divides a castle in two, as well as the loyalties of its inhabitants. Years later, a girl (Hanna Zetterberg) from one side of the fortress and a boy (Dan Hafstroem) from its other, both about twelve years old, become friends and run off into the wilderness when their parents try forcing them apart. Might these youngsters bring everyone back together again by the time the ending credits roll?
Movie added at: 09.09.2023

'Ronja Rövardotter'

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