Topless girl

Marangmotxingmo Mirang - Das Crianças Ikpeng Para o Mundo
IMDb 7.2/10  (12)
RFF 6.5/10  (10)
SC 9.9/10 

Year: 2001
Country: Brazil
Tags: boy skinny dip, girl skinny dip
Review: Four Ikpeng Indian children show their way of life, families and settlement, in the State of Mato Grosso, Brazil. - IMDb
Movie added at: 03.09.2016

'Marangmotxingmo Mirang - Das Crianças Ikpeng Para o Mundo'

Kdyz se slunci nedarí
IMDb 6.4/10  (28)
RFF 6.7/10  (9)
SC 7.9/10 

Year: 1995
Country: Czech Republic
Actors and Actresses: Josef Kolínský, Klára Lidová, Jitka Jezková, Klára Issová, Jakub Zdenek, Katerina Janecková, Zuzana Vejvodová, Sandra Nováková, Martha Issová
Tags: bathing girl
Review: The family serial is set in a children's hospital. Sickness in a child plays havoc with any family. When the child has to leave home for the strange world of doctors and hospitals, things are bad indeed. More than ever is the young patient now dependent on his family, the doctors, old and new friends. Under these circumstances bedwetting is not the trifle it might be otherwise. A swallowed lipstick may seem a funny episode but childhood diabetes is a lifelong burden and anorexia can actually end in death. Each episode has its own child hero and its illness. However, we follow the fourteen-year-old diabetes patient Honza throughout the serial and also Doctor Snajberkova and her family. The stories reflect all the aspects of childhood and teenage emotion - first love and the first disappointments, new friendship for life, basest betrayal, utter despair and new hope...
Movie added at: 07.08.2016

'Kdyz se slunci nedarí'

The Rose Garden
IMDb 6.8/10  (475)
RFF 5.4/10  (5)
SC 8.3/10 

Year: 1989
Country: USA, West Germany, Austria
Actors and Actresses: Lena Müller
Review: On the night of April 20th 1945, Hitler's birthday, 20 children were taken from a concentration camp and loaded into an SS army truck to be "disposed of".
The true historical events of that night form the backdrop for this powerful drama set in contemporary Berlin.
Forty-five years later a confused old man is arrested and imprisoned for a seemingly unprovoked attack on another elderly man at Hamburg airport. The attorney asked to defend the attacker has little sympathy for him until she realises that he was a concentration camp prisoner and his victim is Herr Krenn, the SS officer in charge of the camp.
The attorney has to search for the truth to fight for the right kind of justice against a system that has already let Herr Krenn go free and would rather forget the painful past of brutal Nazi war crimes.
Movie added at: 30.07.2016


'The Rose Garden'

Va, petite!
IMDb 6.0/10  (21)
SC 6.3/10 

Year: 2002
Country: Belgium, France, Morocco
Actors and Actresses: Julie Julien
Tags: bathing girl
Movie added at: 22.07.2016

'Va, petite!'

Takapihalta valoon
RFF 1.5/10  (2)
SC 9.3/10 

Year: 1940
Country: Finland
Movie added at: 16.07.2016

'Takapihalta valoon'

RFF 6.3/10  (8)
SC 5.7/10 

Year: 1949
Country: Denmark
Tags: bathing boy, boy skinny dip
Review: The sale of Christmas stamps is the basis for the creation and operation of Christmas stamped houses in Denmark. The homes are designed to accommodate and help vulnerable and needy children. Many of the Christmas children come from the big cities. Here it can be small with the means, and the children can be left to themselves and to life in the wretched backyards. In the houses of the Christmas brand they can get care, get fresh air and recover after illness. The film shows the everyday life in the various houses of the Christmas brand in Denmark.
Movie added at: 02.07.2016


Anni felici
IMDb 6.4/10  (1 007)
RFF 6.3/10  (4)
SC 7.6/10 

Year: 2013
Country: Italy, France
Actors and Actresses: Samuel Garofalo, Niccolò Calvagna
Review: A narcissistic artist finds his self-satisfied world turned upside down in the wake of a disastrous exhibition and his previously devoted wife's extra-marital inclinations. - IMDb
Movie added at: 21.05.2016


'Anni felici'

Les agneaux
IMDb 6.6/10  (22)
RFF 10.0/10  (1)
SC 1.5/10 

Year: 1996
Country: Switzerland, France
Actors and Actresses: Julia Maraval, Alexis Tomassian
Tags: bathing boy, bathing girl
Review: In a village of the French Juras, Daniel, 15, and Marie, 14, live in the shadow of their brutal, domineering father, who can only express his love through violence. When their mother dies, the two inseparable children flee into the forest pursued by their father... Marcel Schüpbach describes his third feature, based on a novel by Ania Carmel, as a fable that allows us to "recognize the dark side in our nature and accept the fact that humanity is not divided simplistically into wolves and sheep." -
Movie added at: 14.05.2016

'Les agneaux'

My Family's Crazy Gap Year
RFF 1.0/10  (1)
SC 7.7/10 

Year: 2010
Country: United Kingdom
Review: Ordinary British families up sticks and travel the globe in search of life-changing experiences.
Movie added at: 07.05.2016

'My Family's Crazy Gap Year'

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