Bathing boy

IMDb 6.5/10  (495)
RFF 6.1/10  (7)
SC 5.2/10 

Year: 2012
Country: Belgium, Netherlands, Germany
Actors and Actresses: Bent Simons, Maarten Meeusen
Tags: bathing boy
Review: The seven-year-old Kid, his brother Billy and there mother living on a farm. The mother of the children's is always sad. One day, something painful happened for the poor family and the kids have to make a future by themselves. - IMDb
Movie added at: 26.09.2013



IMDb 6.4/10  (21)
RFF 5.9/10  (7)
SC 7.0/10 

Year: 1983
Country: West Germany
Actors and Actresses: Gerrit Schmidt-Foß, Tonino Mallia
Tags: bathing boy, boy skinny dip
Movie added at: 26.09.2013


Andjele moj dragi
IMDb 6.1/10  (56)
RFF 4.0/10  (4)
SC 7.4/10 

Year: 1996
Country: Croatia
Actors and Actresses: Milan Grabovac
Tags: bathing boy
Review: Dramatic tale of 7 year old Jerko who witnesses the destruction of family and village in 1991 during a Serbian attack of a peaceful Croatian village. He manages to escape and ends up in a war orphanage. - IMDb
Movie added at: 26.09.2013

'Andjele moj dragi'

Bez strakha i upryoka
IMDb 6.9/10  (74)
RFF 5.4/10  (5)
SC 6.5/10 

Year: 1963
Country: Soviet Union
Actors and Actresses: Nikolay Burlyaev, Viktor Glazkov, Nikolai Kodin
Tags: bathing boy
Movie added at: 26.09.2013

'Bez strakha i upryoka'

Muz pres palubu
IMDb 5.3/10  (14)
RFF 6.1/10  (9)
SC 8.4/10 

Year: 1981
Country: Czechoslovakia
Actors and Actresses: Viktor Král, Jan Sedivý, René Bilek, Alan Kubant, Dan Sedivák, Jirí Kanák, Leos Rousek, Miriam Chytilová, Lukás Hrabeta, Radek Stícha
Tags: bathing boy
Review: Ten-year-old David joins a sailing club. He trains hard and helps repair the sailing boats, but people have to take turns actually sailing. The club chairman Vala wants David to sail with his son Olda. Olda's previous team mate Béda has grown too fast, but with little David Olda could win a place on the regatta to Finland. Olda is arrogant and accustomed to winning with little effort; he bullies David and calls him "Greenhorn". He makes David his servant and blames him when things go wrong. - IMDb
Movie added at: 26.09.2013

'Muz pres palubu'

Mali vojnici
IMDb 7.6/10  (160)
RFF 5.9/10  (8)
SC 9.8/10 

Year: 1967
Country: Yugoslavia
Actors and Actresses: Dusko Savic, Darko Cerar, Mirsad Ibrisevic, Zdravko Andrijasevic, Sead Cakal, Zivko Odak, Gordan Kulic, Milorad Vodjevic
Tags: bathing boy
Review: A young German boy is sent to an orphanage in Yugoslavia. The director of the school alters the boy's papers to insure he is not hounded for being German; although the war is over, anti-Nazi sentiment runs rampant among the boys at the school. The newcomer's background is revealed when he and the other boys get drunk. When he plays a Teutonic tune on his harmonica, he is accused of being German. The hapless harmonica player is put on trial by the other boys, interrogated, and nearly killed while the director remains helpless to stop the proceedings. It will take time and patience to change the orphans from readily accepting and acting out the violence they have known all their lives. - Dan Pavlides, All Movie Guide
Movie added at: 26.09.2013

'Mali vojnici'

Trocadéro bleu citron
IMDb 6.0/10  (137)
RFF 6.0/10  (9)
SC 7.2/10 

Year: 1978
Country: France
Actors and Actresses: Bérangère de Lagâtinerie, Lionel Melet
Tags: bathing boy
Review: Phil, 10 years old, living with his mother, has fallen in love with a girl of his age. He also likes skateboarding with his friends. - IMDb
Movie added at: 26.09.2013

'Trocadéro bleu citron'

Ljubav i poneka psovka
IMDb 7.5/10  (84)
RFF 6.3/10  (7)
SC 8.3/10 

Year: 1969
Country: Yugoslavia
Tags: bathing boy
Review: A policeman and his wife are the parents of eight children. They plan to add to their family when they hear the King will be the godfather on any ninth child born. The lawman spends his time discouraging others to have more than eight kids while he fines people for swearing at the King. A traveling show comes to town with a female singer who resembles the Virgin depicted in the stained glass of the village church. The men in town become enamored with the chanteuse but the policeman caves into pressure from jealous local women. An envoy of the King allows the woman to stay, and war breaks out before the situation can be settled and the couple's child becomes the godchild of the monarch. ~ Dan Pavlides, All Movie Guide
Movie added at: 26.09.2013

'Ljubav i poneka psovka'

El Niño y el muro
IMDb 7.4/10  (125)
RFF 4.9/10  (7)
SC 4.2/10 

Year: 1965
Country: Mexico, Spain
Actors and Actresses: Inma de Santis, Nino Del Arco
Tags: bathing boy
Review: A boy of approximately five years of age covets a ball on display at a nearby store. His father one day purchases it for him, but it is soon kicked over the wall of a newly built prison. Determined to regain his possession, our little hero removes a block from the wall and there finds a female peer whose mother works at the facility playing with it. Over a period of a couple days, he tries to coerce the girl into giving it back to him and in the process makes a friend. Trouble starts when the guards learn of the hole. - CVMC
Movie added at: 26.09.2013

'El Niño y el muro'

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