Sabine Kleist, 7 Jahre...
IMDb 7.4/10  (106)
RFF 6.6/10  (20)
SC 7.3/10 

Year: 1982
Country: East Germany
Actors and Actresses: Petra Lämmel, Axel Linder, Torsten Wöhlecke, Lars Hillersheim, Regine Hilz
Tags: bathing girl
Review: Sabine lives in an orphanage after she lost parents in a car accident. When one of her favourite caretaker there must quit due to pregnancy, Sabine runs away in frustration and wanders around Berlin, looking for some signs of hope in the world. On this journey through human life, she finds answers to many of her questions and in the end can return without anger to her home. - Review translation by Al
Movie added at: 31.08.2013

'Sabine Kleist, 7 Jahre...'

IMDb 6.0/10  (170)
RFF 7.4/10  (52)
SC 9.7/10 

Year: 1986
Country: Norway
Actors and Actresses: Camilla Sletten, Hans Jacob Melbye, Siri Hoff, Øystein Offer-Olsen, Joakim Kock, Lasse Edvardsen
Tags: boy skinny dip, girl skinny dip
Review: Feelings like love and sexual curiosity are a part of growing up. The transformation from child to adolescent is an exciting time. In this joyful film we follow a group of 10-year old kids over a few weeks in the summer, where many things are starting to change in their lives. The film is based on a novel by Rune Belsvik. - Review translation by Al
Movie added at: 31.08.2013


Mrkácek Ciko
IMDb 5.0/10  (32)
RFF 5.8/10  (12)
SC 7.5/10 

Year: 1982
Country: Czechoslovakia
Actors and Actresses: Filip Menzel, Jakub Stepán
Tags: boy skinny dip, girl skinny dip
Review: Roman Hlava grew up with his diplomat parents in Latin America where he had been home-schooled by his over doting mother. The over indulgence of affection and praise has given the boy an over confidence. This is quickly squashed by his new peers when the family returns to the Czech Republic. This leads to neurotic tics and the nickname Mrkácek the 'Blinker.' A stay at a children's camp provides new friends, acceptance, an appreciation of nature, a new outlook on life, and loss of the tics. (I did my best to piece together machine translated bits and pieces. I hope it bears a decent reflection of the movie.) - IMDb
Movie added at: 31.08.2013

'Mrkácek Ciko'

The Boys of St. Vincent
IMDb 7.5/10  (2 037)
RFF 7.2/10  (43)
SC 8.8/10 

Year: 1992
Country: Canada
Actors and Actresses: Johnny Morina, Christopher Millar, Brian Dodd, Andreas Traczyk, Jonathan Lewis, Dennis Van Horn, Gabriel Allard-Gagnon, Ettore Zuccheroso, Jeremy Keefe, Davis Gramm
Tags: bathing boy
Review: This movie is based on actual events, but it says it is not all about one specific incident. It documents St. Vincent's Orphanage in Canada, where many of the boys suffer physical, emotional, and sexual abuse at the hands of the brothers who run the facility. When the stories are surfaced and a police investigation is begun, religious and political groups work to silence the story to keep it from reaching the public. - IMDb
Movie added at: 31.08.2013

'The Boys of St. Vincent'

IMDb 7.3/10  (2 924)
RFF 6.0/10  (10)
SC 6.3/10 

Year: 2006
Country: Denmark
Actors and Actresses: Sarah Juel Werner, Annie Roed Frederiksen, Karen Skov Petersen, Lasse Borg, Janus Dissing Rathke, Thomas Erikson
Tags: bathing girl
Review: A drama about a boy who's inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and challenges repressive school authority in 1969 Denmark.
Movie added at: 31.08.2013



IMDb 7.6/10  (27 785)
RFF 6.9/10  (27)
SC 9.4/10 

Year: 1971
Country: United Kingdom, Australia
Actors and Actresses: Jenny Agutter, Luc Roeg, David Gulpilil
Tags: boy skinny dip, girl skinny dip
Review: A privileged British family consisting of a mother, a geologist father and an adolescent daughter and son, live in Sydney, Australia. Out of circumstance, the siblings, not knowing exactly where they are, get stranded in the Outback by themselves while on a picnic. They only have with them the clothes on their backs - their school uniforms - some meagre rations of nonperishable food, a battery-powered transistor radio, the son's satchel primarily containing his toys, and a small piece of cloth they used as their picnic drop-cloth. While they walk through the Outback, sometimes looking as though near death, they come across an Australian boy who is on his walkabout, a rite of passage into manhood where he spends months on end on his own living off the land. Their largest problem is not being able to verbally communicate. The boy does help them to survive, but doesn't understand their need to return to civilization, which may or may not happen based on what the Australian boy ends up doing. - IMDb
Movie added at: 31.08.2013



IMDb 7.5/10  (12 050)
RFF 6.7/10  (40)
SC 9.3/10 

Year: 1999
Country: United Kingdom, France
Actors and Actresses: William Eadie, Leanne Mullen, Thomas McTaggart, John Miller, Lynne Ramsay Jr., Leanne Jenkins
Tags: bathing boy, bathing girl
Review: Glasgow, summer, 1973. Dustmen are striking; bags of garbage add to the blight of council flats and a fetid canal. Ryan, who's about 12, drowns during a play fight with his neighbor, the jug-eared James. James runs home, a flat where he lives with his often-drunk da, his ma, and sisters, who live in hope of moving to newly-built council flats. The slice-of-life, coming-of-age story follows James as he tags along with the older lads; has a friendship with his quirky wee rodent-loving neighbor, Kenny; spends time with Margaret Anne, myopic, slightly older, the local sexual punching bag; and, has a moment or two of joy. The strike may end, but is there any way out for James? - IMDb
Movie added at: 31.08.2013



The Goddess of 1967
IMDb 6.8/10  (1 945)
SC 3.5/10 

Year: 2000
Country: Australia
Actors and Actresses: Satya Gumbert
Tags: bathing girl
Review: "Goddess" stands for French "Déesse", the nickname of Citroën DS, the name of a famous car designed in the fifties. A young and well-situated Japanese man is dreaming of such a car, and one fine day he finds an offering on the net. He calls the seller (a man living in Australia), they agree upon the price and so he travels to Australia in order to buy the car. But when he reaches his destination, there's chaos all around: The seller as well as his wife lay dead in their house and a 17 year old girl lets him in and offers him something to eat. He walks out with horror but then comes back because he forgot to ask about the car... The girl lets him see the car, and then they start a 5 day trip through the outback, and, at the same time, a trip back in time into the early youth of the girl and into her family's chronicle. - Claus Horn, IMDb
Movie added at: 31.08.2013


'The Goddess of 1967'

Nya hyss av Emil i Lönneberga
IMDb 7.3/10  (2 776)
RFF 4.7/10  (9)
SC 4.5/10 

Year: 1972
Country: Sweden, West Germany
Actors and Actresses: Lena Wisborg, Jan Ohlsson, Stefan Grybe, Kristina Jämtmark
Tags: boy skinny dip
Review: By Astrid Lindgren's novel.
Movie added at: 31.08.2013

'Nya hyss av Emil i Lönneberga'

IMDb 5.8/10  (3 281)
RFF 7.0/10  (2)
SC 2.2/10 

Year: 2009
Country: France, Italy
Actors and Actresses: Mélusine Mayance, Arthur Peyret
Review: Katie, a single mother living in France with her daughter Lisa, struggles to make ends meet while working at a chemical factory. There, she meets Paco, a co-worker from Spain. Soon, they move in together, and Katie becomes pregnant. Katie gives birth to a baby boy, named Ricky, and she and Paco raise him together in their tiny apartment, along with Lisa. However, it soon becomes apparent that Ricky is no ordinary baby; he develops a pair of functioning wings and becomes able to fly. Soon he is flitting about in their tiny apartment, and together Katie and Paco struggle to raise and handle the ever-growing Ricky. - IMDb
Movie added at: 31.08.2013



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