Bathing boy

Angelo My Love
IMDb 6.6/10  (250)
RFF 6.0/10  (1)
SC 4.5/10 

Year: 1983
Country: USA
Tags: bathing boy
Review: Angelo My Love delves into the little understood and fascinating world of New York gypsies. Using real gypsies playing fictional versions of themselves. This critically acclaimed film explores the lifestyle, rites, myths and passions of the tight-knit urban subculture. Twelve year-old Angelo Evans is the street-wise. Charmingly precocious son of a fortune teller. When the boy accuses a sleazy gypsy, Steve "Patalay" Tsigonoff, and his foul-mouthed wife, Millie, of stealing an ancestral ring, he chases them to Canada. Angelo wants the ring for his future bride, Patricia, and nearly disgraces the family to get it back. Along the way, Duvall presents an extraordinary slice of gypsy life, highlighting there music and tribal customs, a wedding and a "kris" - the gypsies' court of justice. His film has a spontaneity and exuberance that make it a one-of-a-kind experience. - IMDb
Movie added at: 01.11.2023

'Angelo My Love'

Johnny Got His Gun
IMDb 7.8/10  (18 747)
RFF 1.0/10  (1)
SC 2.6/10 

Year: 1971
Country: USA
Actors and Actresses: Kerry MacLane
Tags: bathing boy
Review: A young American soldier (Joe) in WW I is wounded by a landmine. He looses his arms, legs and eyes as well as his ability to hear, speak or smell. Lying in hospital he is not able to distinguish if he is awake or if he is dreaming. Trying to find out he relives his story in strange dreams and memories. One day Joe finds a way to communicate with the doctors ... - Thorsten Pfeiffer, IMDb
Movie added at: 27.09.2023


'Johnny Got His Gun'

Wenn der Vater mit dem Sohne
IMDb 6.4/10  (466)
RFF 6.9/10  (8)
SC 5.3/10 

Year: 1955
Country: West Germany
Actors and Actresses: Oliver Grimm, Wolfgang Condrus
Tags: bathing boy
Review: After Clown Teddy lost his son, he lost his gift for laughter. He opened a joke shop and lives above the shop. His landlady has had a foster son since birth, and Teddy decides to raise the child, who always believed that Teddy was his father. When the mother suddenly appears five years later and wants her son, Teddy decides to run away with the child and goes back onstage with his son. Will the family catch up with them, or will the mother never get her son back? - IMDb
Movie added at: 20.09.2023

'Wenn der Vater mit dem Sohne'

Viva la muerte
IMDb 6.5/10  (1 531)
RFF 6.7/10  (22)
SC 7.6/10 

Year: 1971
Country: France, Tunisia
Actors and Actresses: Mahdi Chaouch
Tags: bathing boy
Review: During the Spanish Civil War young boy named Fando is forced to watch as Garcia Lorca is executed by a taunting Fascist firing squad. He keeps asking his mother what happened to his father, and eventually learns that his mother betrayed him to the Franco government because of his unspoken leftist ideas. Fando imagines bizarre scenarios where his father is tortured and mutilated. Many of his visions present his mother as a monster who gouges out his father's eyes, or makes love to his captors in front of him,in addition to other gruesome and scatological horrors. Fando also shows signs of sexual interest in his libidinous aunt Clara and a neighbor girl, Thérèse, as he lives a miserable existence acting out the cruelty of his mother with small cruelties of his own. - Embalmer, IMDb
Movie added at: 06.09.2023


'Viva la muerte'

...und ich dachte, du magst mich
IMDb 6.5/10  (29)
RFF 6.4/10  (11)
SC 5.4/10 

Year: 1987
Country: East Germany
Actors and Actresses: Sören Lißner, Ulrike Dräger, Sebastian Hattop, Constanze Kusch, Madlen Balk, Rajko Epperlein, Martina Jonas, Cindy Scholp, Ulrike Knabe
Tags: bathing boy
Movie added at: 06.09.2023

'...und ich dachte, du magst mich'

Angela's Ashes
IMDb 7.3/10  (23 564)
RFF 6.9/10  (10)
SC 6.4/10 

Year: 1999
Country: USA, Ireland
Actors and Actresses: Shane Smith, Peter Halpin, Edward Murphy, Ryan Fielding, Ciaran Tracey, Blaithnaid Howe, Sean Carney Daly, Patrick Bracken, Aaron Geraghty, Shane Murray-Corcoran
Tags: bathing boy
Review: Based on the best selling autobiography by Irish expat Frank McCourt, Angela's Ashes follows the experiences of young Frankie and his family as they try against all odds to escape the poverty endemic in the slums of pre-war Limerick. The film opens with the family in Brooklyn, but following the death of one of Frankie's siblings, they return home, only to find the situation there even worse. Prejudice against Frankie's Northern Irish father makes his search for employment in the Republic difficult despite his having fought for the IRA, and when he does find money, he spends the money on drink. - IMDb
Movie added at: 16.08.2023


'Angela's Ashes'

IMDb 6.8/10  (20 551)
RFF 8.0/10  (2)
SC 5.9/10 

Year: 1981
Country: USA
Actors and Actresses: Brendan Ward, John P. Navin Jr., Rusty Jacobs
Tags: bathing boy
Review: An announcement that the venerable Bunker Hill Military Academy, a 141 year old institute, is to be torn down and replaced with condos sets off the young cadets led by their stodgy commander. Under the command of a student cadet major, the cadets seize the campus, refuse entry of the construction crews and ultimately confront the real military. - IMDb
Movie added at: 09.08.2023


IMDb 6.5/10  (4 597)
RFF 6.0/10  (7)
SC 6.3/10 

Year: 2007
Country: USA
Actors and Actresses: Cameron Wofford, Landon Henninger, Cyrus Thompson
Tags: bathing boy
Review: Inept Salman comes to help his sister-in-law tend to his holy terror nephews while Salman's brother is off fighting in Iraq. Salman must take a humiliating job as a giant blue corporate mascot in order to help make ends meet and hold the family together. - IMDb
Movie added at: 02.08.2023



Asfour Stah
IMDb 6.7/10  (2 127)
RFF 7.1/10  (35)
SC 6.3/10 

Year: 1990
Country: Tunisia, France, Italy
Actors and Actresses: Selim Boughedir
Tags: bathing boy, bathing girl
Review: A coming-of-age comedy/drama set in Tunisia. Twelve-year-old Noura is an impressionable boy who must learn to reconcile two conflicting worlds - the loving world of Muslim women and the vastly different, harsher world of men - while also dealing with his own budding sexuality. - IMDb
Movie added at: 22.07.2023

'Asfour Stah'

Jankove hracky
IMDb 6.0/10  (8)
RFF 6.0/10  (3)
SC 4.1/10 

Year: 1985
Country: Czechoslovakia
Actors and Actresses: Daniel Vychopen
Tags: bathing boy
Movie added at: 28.06.2023

'Jankove hracky'

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