Bathing boy

Co slonko widzialo
IMDb 6.2/10  (74)
SC 7.4/10 

Year: 2006
Country: Poland
Actors and Actresses: Damian Hryniewicz
Tags: bathing boy
Review: Three strangers living in Silesia - a 12-year-old half-orphan, a musically talented girl and a middle-aged unemployed ex-miner - are all desperate to get money to make their small dreams come true. - IMDb
Movie added at: 28.12.2022

'Co slonko widzialo'

Les genoux cagneux
IMDb 6.0/10  (6)
RFF 10.0/10  (2)
SC 2.9/10 

Year: 1992
Country: France
Actors and Actresses: Faye Gatteau, Joachim Mazeau, Thibaut Cornet, Sabine Le Roc, Pierre-Alexis Hollenbeck, Jean-Michel Leray
Tags: bathing boy
Movie added at: 10.12.2022

'Les genoux cagneux'

La discesa di Aclà a Floristella
IMDb 7.1/10  (430)
RFF 7.0/10  (47)
SC 9.2/10 

Year: 1992
Country: Italy
Actors and Actresses: Francesco Cusimano, Giuseppe Cusimano
Tags: bathing boy
Review: Brutal film about the exploitation of a young Italian boy, who is virtually sold to the operators of a sulphur mine where he is beaten and sexually molested. - David Kinne, IMDb
Movie added at: 07.12.2022

'La discesa di Aclà a Floristella'

Prinz & Bottel
IMDb 7.0/10  (49)
RFF 6.4/10  (7)
SC 6.8/10 

Year: 2010
Country: Germany
Actors and Actresses: Theo Trebs, Fabian Meier, Moritz Jahn, Feline Assamela Wehrle, Stephanie Amarell
Tags: bathing boy
Movie added at: 23.11.2022


'Prinz & Bottel' - part 1
'Prinz & Bottel' - part 2

Kamenny most
IMDb 7.0/10  (96)
RFF 6.2/10  (6)
SC 5.9/10 

Year: 1996
Country: Czech Republic
Tags: bathing boy, boy skinny dip
Movie added at: 09.11.2022

'Kamenny most'

Erik of het klein insectenboek
IMDb 5.6/10  (343)
RFF 5.7/10  (3)
SC 1.7/10 

Year: 2004
Country: Belgium, Netherlands
Actors and Actresses: Merijn van Heiningen, Jasper Oldenhof, Marius Gottlieb, Yale Sackman
Tags: bathing boy
Review: Eric in the Land of the Insects is the story about the dream of the ten years old boy Eric Pinksterblom. On the night before the day in which he has to pass a severe test about Solm’s Concise Natural History, Eric is glancing at his favourite painting ("Industrious Valley") that hangs on the wall next to his bed. While he imagines how beautiful life must be over there, the painting comes to life.
At that same moment, Eric becomes very small and in a great arching jump, flies over the edge of the frame. He falls into the soft green grass, high as a forest with trees. The grass is crawling with insects, with the same good and bad points as human beings. He gets to know some of them. He has dinner with the neat family Wasp; he plays the bass on a living blowfly; he stays the overnight in a snails' shell that serves as a hotel; he meets a butterfly in love; he is attacked by a spider and is witness to a fight between two hordes of ants.
At the end of the story Eric wakes up and has to go to school to pass his test. But he doesn’t do to well. Eric’s fantastic report of his meetings with the insects is considered “nonsense” and “ridiculous” by his schoolteacher. The next night Eric is waiting for the big miracle which will take him back to the Industrious Valley. However, his waiting is in vain: "The big miracle does not occur. Not that night nor the night after. In fact, it never happens again!" (based upon the book by Godfried Bomans) -
Movie added at: 02.11.2022

'Erik of het klein insectenboek'

Eno nakano bokuno mura
IMDb 6.9/10  (435)
RFF 6.7/10  (15)
SC 9.6/10 

Year: 1996
Country: Japan
Actors and Actresses: Keigo Matsuyama, Shogo Matsuyama
Tags: bathing boy, boy skinny dip
Review: Tells of the childhood of two nine-year-old twins in a rural village in Japan after World War 2. Includes the boys relationships with their schoolteacher mother, civil servant father, elderly landlord, a rough new boy at the school, and three mysterious spirits in the form of old women. - IMDb
Movie added at: 29.10.2022

'Eno nakano bokuno mura'

Promis... juré!
IMDb 6.0/10  (90)
RFF 7.6/10  (15)
SC 7.4/10 

Year: 1987
Country: France
Actors and Actresses: Michel Morin, Marie Constant, Stéphane Legros, Pénélope Schellenberg
Tags: bathing boy
Review: We follow the life of a 12-year-old boy living in occupied France in 1944. We see his family, his chubby best friend, the girl who ignores him ... and the German deserter he hides in the cellar. - Philo D., IMDb
Movie added at: 05.10.2022

'Promis... juré!'

Va, vis et deviens
IMDb 7.8/10  (6 353)
RFF 5.7/10  (9)
SC 6.0/10 

Year: 2005
Country: France, Israel, Belgium, Italy
Actors and Actresses: Moshe Agazai, Hen Koren
Tags: bathing boy
Review: In 1980 the black Falashas in Ethiopia are recognised as genuine Jews. In turn they are secretly carried to Israel. The day before the transport the son of a Jewish mother dies. In his place and with his name (Schlomo) she takes a Christian 9-year-old boy. Upon arrival this second mother dies. Schlomo is adopted by a good family but remains depressed until he secretly sends a letter to his real mother. From the beginning he experiences large and small racist difficulties. In his teens he and Sarah fall in love. Her father is an extreme racist. Schlomo tries to gain "real Jewishness" by winning a competition in Bible interpretation. No change of Sarah's father's attitude. Disappointed he goes to the police and reports himself as not being a Jew. But the police officer just gives him a scolding. "The newspapers are full of that stuff, the Falashas are no Jews. Now they begin to believe it themselves." His adoptive parents send him to France to study medicine. When he afterwards marries Sarah she loses her family and her status as a "white Jew". But he dares not tell her the truth until she becomes pregnant. She leaves him, but only because he had not trusted that she would love him as much anyway. His adoptive mother reconciles them. Sarah's first line when she returns: "Unbelievable what three mothers would do for you." But she makes a condition for returning: Schlomo must meet his real mother again. As a doctor he takes a job in the Ethiopian fugitive camp where she is still alive. - IMDb
Movie added at: 07.09.2022


'Va, vis et deviens'

Jacquou le croquant
IMDb 6.4/10  (1 892)
RFF 6.1/10  (14)
SC 5.1/10 

Year: 2007
Country: France
Actors and Actresses: Vincent Valladon, Léo Legrand, Clémence Gautier, Raisa Andreea Mihai, Elliott Valence
Tags: bathing boy
Review: Jacquou is a determined and attractive young man who transforms his vow of vengeance into a struggle against injustice. - IMDb
Movie added at: 31.08.2022


'Jacquou le croquant'

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