Helden wie wir
IMDb 6.3/10  (361)
RFF 4.4/10  (5)
SC 3.1/10 

Year: 1999
Country: Germany
Actors and Actresses: Adrian Heidenreich, Luca Lenz, Benjamin Seidel
Review: Heroes Like Us presents as heroes ordinary teenagers and young East German adults, who in Thomas Brussig's (the novel and screenplay author) story, caused the Fall of the Berlin Wall. Our young hero falls in love, from an early age, with a girl whose family is not in good standing with the ruling Communist party. Our hero's father, however, is a member of the "Stasi", the secret state police. The father not only hinders his son's relationship with the girl, but he arranges for his son, after finishing school, to become a Stasi spy himself. The absurdities of everyday life in the former German "Democratic" Republic are comically (sometimes tragically) are exposed throughout the film. - IMDb
Movie added at: 31.08.2013


'Helden wie wir'

Setkání v cervenci
IMDb 6.6/10  (152)
RFF 6.8/10  (16)
SC 5.7/10 

Year: 1978
Country: Czechoslovakia
Actors and Actresses: Tomás Holý, Roman Cada
Review: Set in a Summer resort where older adolescents are learning English, a young man finds himself attracted to his teacher. She has a son, roughly eight years of age, who buddies up with the man, and the two then engage in a lot of activities together. In the process, mom grows fond of her student and finds herself having romantic feelings for him. - CVMC
Movie added at: 31.08.2013


'Setkání v cervenci'

Crónica de un niño solo
IMDb 7.5/10  (818)
RFF 7.3/10  (28)
SC 9.8/10 

Year: 1965
Country: Argentina
Actors and Actresses: Diego Puente, Jorge Cabello, Miguel Medrano, Roberto Domínguez, Jorge Puente, Carlos González, Juan Castro, Óscar Saraceni, Juan Delicio, Néstor Tricarico
Tags: boy skinny dip
Review: CHRONICLE OF A BOY ALONE, is an indictment of a fascist regime running roughshod over its most vulnerable citizens, its children. Focusing on the bleak life of eleven-year-old bad boy Polin, who's been abandoned by his family and sent to live in a state-run orphanage, it's also a moving portrait of the human spirit imprisoned by the chains of well-intentioned fools. Inside the harsh confines of the supposedly beneficial institution, Polin and his fellow inmates must deal with constant physical and psychological abuse by the staff, as well as the natural emotional tensions brought on by their own burgeoning adolescence. But through it all, they manage to keep their hopes alive with optimistic talk of freedom and bold plans of escape. One day, when the opportunity finally arises, and Polin learns that freedom, too, has its price. - IMDb
Movie added at: 31.08.2013


'Crónica de un niño solo'

IMDb 5.9/10  (1 225)
RFF 6.5/10  (8)
SC 4.0/10 

Year: 2003
Country: Norway
Actors and Actresses: Julia Pauline Boracco Braathen, Niklas James Knudsen
Tags: girl skinny dip
Review: The young Norwegian girl Kim almost gets killed after falling from a hillside. She finds shelter and stumbles upon the territory of a wolf and her puppy. She barricades herself, but as time passes she finds the wolf less and less frightening. When she finds out three shepherds are out to kill the wolf, she decides to get across the border to Sweden, where they don't hunt for wolves. - IMDb
Movie added at: 31.08.2013



IMDb 5.9/10  (626)
RFF 6.2/10  (20)
SC 2.4/10 

Year: 2005
Country: Belgium
Actors and Actresses: Ilya Van Malderghem, Ninke Gryp, Willy Manzi Kabera, Pauline Grossen
Tags: bathing boy
Review: Flemish greater Brussels grocer Bert transferred his true passion, aiming for the national football (soccer) team, missed due to a knee injury, to his eager son Gilles (12), whom he coaches tirelessly. Excessive anger at the referee during the match when a scout may select Gilles for the provincial team, a crucial step, proves fatal for Bert's heart. Gilles is frustrated that both the grocery shop and his mother gradually are taken over by football-ignorant accountant Joris and imagines still being coached by father. His own foot injury will either delay his ambition at a crucial or may end it altogether if not treated properly. - IMDb
Movie added at: 31.08.2013



Le bel été 1914
IMDb 6.2/10  (134)
RFF 7.1/10  (30)
SC 7.0/10 

Year: 1996
Country: France
Actors and Actresses: Robinson Stévenin, Julia Maraval, Pauline De Boever, Marie-Joséphine Crenn
Tags: bathing boy
Review: A couple take their son for the holidays to an uncle, so short of money that he rents part of his big isolated house to a businessman whose wife and daughters are there on holiday too. An affair develops among the adults, while the children start their own explorations. Deaths, disappearances and financial ruin follow as the world drifts into war. - IMDb
Movie added at: 31.08.2013

'Le bel été 1914'

Quand j'avais 5 ans je m'ai tué
IMDb 6.4/10  (145)
RFF 6.5/10  (28)
SC 8.2/10 

Year: 1994
Country: France
Actors and Actresses: Antoine du Merle, Salomé Lelouch, Dimitri Rougeul, Laetitia Legrix, Amar Ioudarene
Review: The potentially negative effects of using archaic and strict methods of dealing the children the main theme of this French film which is set in 1962. While it's story of two youngsters in love, it also explores romance and sexuality in children. It is told from their viewpoint. Gil and Jessica are two eccentric and imaginative children in love. Worried that their love is unhealthy, the surrounding adults subject the kids to two differing approaches to modify their "unnatural behavior." Dr. Nevele offers the traditional, stern methodology. Edouart offers a more permissive approach. - Sandra Brennan, All Movie Guide
Movie added at: 31.08.2013

'Quand j'avais 5 ans je m'ai tué'

Adieu, mon ami
IMDb 6.2/10  (42)
RFF 6.8/10  (16)
SC 5.7/10 

Year: 1996
Country: Germany
Actors and Actresses: Julie Engelbrecht
Tags: bathing girl, girl skinny dip
Review: Germany, WWII: 10-year old Dagmar has just lost her beloved twin brother Doug and her family through a bomb attack. Together with a young girl who worked in the bakery of Dagmar's parents they escape to Bavaria and find shelter at some far relatives of Dagmar's family. The little girl just doesn't feel comfortable in the strange family but soon finds a good friend: Laurent, a 17-year old French alien employee. Laurent is tormented by August, the "head of the family", but cannot defend himself because as soon as he causes a conflict he will be sent into an approved school in France which is even worse. Dagmar and Laurent become very close and become almost like brother and sister, they are all they have and Dagmar even falls a bit in love with Laurent. One day August sees how Laurent hugs Dagmar, he provokes a conflict and at the end Laurent is sent back to France. Dagmar is desperate: She thinks that she'll never sees Laurent again. 10 years later: Dagmar has stayed in the Bavarian village, August died in the meantime and Dagmar now runs his farm. An event takes place in the village: A French group visits it. One of the visitors is ... Laurent. - IMDb
Movie added at: 31.08.2013

'Adieu, mon ami'

Rycerze i rabusie
IMDb 6.4/10  (23)
RFF 5.0/10  (10)
SC 5.6/10 

Year: 1984
Country: Poland
Actors and Actresses: Monika Alwasiak
Tags: bathing boy, bathing girl
Review: Polish TV-Series
Movie added at: 31.08.2013

'Rycerze i rabusie'

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