Boy skinny dip

The Fool Killer
IMDb 6.8/10  (418)
RFF 5.3/10  (7)
SC 6.5/10 

Year: 1965
Country: Mexico, USA
Actors and Actresses: Edward Albert
Tags: boy skinny dip
Review: 12-year-old George Mellish, tired of beatings for both real and fancied misdeeds at the hands of his foster parents,runs away from home by hopping a freight train and lands somewhere east of the Mississippi River. The first person he meets is Dirty Jim Helliman (Henry Hull)who lives in a fantastically filthy hovel and with whom George feels a kindred spirit, both having "suffered" at the hands of a clean woman. It is (really dirty) Dirty Jim that tells George of the mythical, eight-foot bogey man called "The Fool Killer." George gets sick and Dirty Jim takes him to town where Mrs.Ova Faversham (Charlotte Jones)takes charge of the feverish boy. When Blessing Angeline (Sindee Ann Richards), Mrs. Faversham's 10-year-old daughter, tells George that her mother intends to return him to his foster parents, George hits the road again. He meets Milo Bogardus (Anthony Perkins), a young Civil War veteran, who has been robbed of his memory by a war wound, and is as lost in his own way as George. THey come upon a camp meeting, where the fanatical Reverend Spotts is conducting a revivalist meeting and during the religious frenzy, George blacks out. He comes to and is alone, and is unaware that the Reverend has been murdered, and starts in his search to find Milo. He finds a home with the Dodds (Dana Elcar and Salome Jens), small town store keepers. When, at supper, Dodds makes mention of the murder of the Reverend Spotts, George blurts out that "The Fool Killer done it" and tells them the legend as told to him by Dirty Jim. That evening, while George lies in bed, a shadow appears at his window. It is the figure of a tall, gaunt apparition, axe in hand ready to strike---"The Fool Killer!" - Les Adams, IMDb
Movie added at: 15.05.2024

'The Fool Killer'

IMDb 6.4/10  (155)
RFF 5.0/10  (1)
SC 8.2/10 

Year: 2005
Country: Netherlands, Russia
Actors and Actresses: Dasha Khazova
Tags: boy skinny dip
Movie added at: 10.04.2024


IMDb 7.7/10  (8 255)
RFF 5.0/10  (2)
SC 5.3/10 

Year: 2001
Country: India, Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland
Tags: boy skinny dip
Review: A spiritual love-story set in the majestic landscape of Ladakh, Himalayas. Samsara is a quest; one man's struggle to find spiritual Enlightenment by renouncing the world. And one woman's struggle to keep her enlightened love and life in the world. But their destiny turns, twists and comes to a surprise ending... - IMDb
Movie added at: 21.02.2024



Al otro lado
IMDb 7.0/10  (404)
RFF 6.2/10  (10)
SC 7.5/10 

Year: 2004
Country: Mexico
Actors and Actresses: Jorge Milo, Adrian Alonso, Ronny Bandomo Casanova, Alejandro Lago
Tags: bathing boy, boy skinny dip, bathing girl
Review: Three stories of three kids from Morocco, Cuba and Mexico, whose fathers have left their homes in search of better job opportunities. Although they are from different backgrounds, the children share a sense of desertion and loneliness.
In the first story, Prisciliano (Adrian Alonso from Zorro & Innocent Voices) watches his father leave his family in Mexico to work in the United States. Then we have Fatima, a Moroccan girl who crosses the Mediterranean in a small boat to Spain to follow her father. The final setting is Cuba, where a boy dreams of meeting his father, who left long ago. Each child makes an attempt to reclaim the love of their fathers who have gone "to the other side" - CVMC
Movie added at: 27.12.2023

'Al otro lado'

Honeysuckle Rose
IMDb 6.3/10  (1 894)
RFF 9.0/10  (1)
SC 8.1/10 

Year: 1980
Country: USA
Tags: boy skinny dip
Review: After displaying his easygoing charm in a number of television appearances and a showy supporting role in The Electric Horseman, Willie Nelson scored his first leading role in this romantic comedy-drama in which he (appropriately enough) plays a musician. Buck Bonham (Nelson) is a country singer/songwriter with a loyal following in his native Texas and the neighboring Western states. However, Buck hasn't yet had the hit record that would make him a star nationwide; in the meantime, Buck and his band keep up a busy tour schedule, much to the annoyance of his wife, Viv (Dyan Cannon), and son, Jamie (Joey Floyd), who would like to see Buck at home every once in a while. As Buck wonders if he should press on with his musical career or call it quits, his close friend and longtime guitarist Garland Ramsey (Slim Pickens) announces he's retiring, and suggests a good replacement -- his daughter, Lily (Amy Irving). Lily had a crush on Buck as a child, and now as a full-grown and very beautiful woman, her infatuation has only increased with time. Consequently, Buck must choose between Viv and Lily as well as his home and his career. Honeysuckle Rose was written specifically for Nelson, and his character bears more than a passing similarity to Willie and his life before the album Red Headed Stranger made him a star; the film also earned Nelson an Academy Award nomination for the film's theme song, "On the Road Again." - Mark Deming, All Movie Guide
Movie added at: 18.10.2023

'Honeysuckle Rose'

Ronja Rövardotter
IMDb 7.3/10  (12 139)
RFF 7.0/10  (45)
SC 7.0/10 

Year: 1984
Country: Sweden, Norway
Actors and Actresses: Hanna Zetterberg, Dan Håfström
Tags: boy skinny dip, bathing girl, girl skinny dip
Review: During a storm, lightening strikes and physically divides a castle in two, as well as the loyalties of its inhabitants. Years later, a girl (Hanna Zetterberg) from one side of the fortress and a boy (Dan Hafstroem) from its other, both about twelve years old, become friends and run off into the wilderness when their parents try forcing them apart. Might these youngsters bring everyone back together again by the time the ending credits roll?
Movie added at: 09.09.2023

'Ronja Rövardotter'

Feofaniya, risuyushchaya smert
IMDb 5.3/10  (119)
RFF 4.5/10  (4)
SC 6.2/10 

Year: 1991
Country: Russia
Actors and Actresses: Victor Repnikov
Tags: boy skinny dip
Review: In Middle-Age Russia, a christian preacher arrives, proposing a new order. He threatens those who take part in a pagan festival with the flames of hell. But when strange crimes start to happen, local leaders decide to investigate. - IMDb
Movie added at: 05.07.2023

'Feofaniya, risuyushchaya smert'

Franz + Polina
IMDb 6.8/10  (488)
RFF 6.6/10  (13)
SC 9.6/10 

Year: 2006
Country: Russia
Actors and Actresses: Zhenya Martsenkevich, Katya Savitskaya, Maksim Khmelnitski, Korolina Mytko, Yan Dedovich, Ilya Yasinski, Nikita Majorov, Roman Fedotov, Roma Andrukovich, Yan Budai
Tags: boy skinny dip
Review: Bjelorussia 1943, A German SS unit is billeted in a small village. Frantz stays together with an older Sergeant in the home of Paulina's mother. Besides the Paulina, the mother and the 2 German soldiers there is nobody else living in the building. Paulina's father and brother are with the partisans in the surrounding forests. Paulina's mother takes good care of all inhabitants like mothers do with love and compassion. Good that she can't understand the older sergeant's prejudices. Hitlers propanganda maschine instructed the German soldiers to treat Russian peasants like untermenschen (subhumans). Not all German soldiers bought those lies, and Frantz is one of them. The sergeant clearly displays some insecurities regarding this policy. Those insults are merely lost, because there is a language barrier. Frantz seems to ignore his sergeants opinions, and starts to flirt with Paulina. The sergeant is not a brute or brawler, more a prisoner of the time. He has a good site, shown when he fixes mechanical devices in the house, like an old defective watch. Everything seems very peaceful at first, until the order arrives, that the village has to fall victim to the "burnt earth" strategy of the retreating Wehrmacht. - Ernst Wiltmann, IMDb
Movie added at: 07.06.2023


'Franz + Polina'

One Little Indian
IMDb 6.0/10  (724)
RFF 7.5/10  (2)
SC 5.7/10 

Year: 1973
Country: USA
Actors and Actresses: Jodie Foster, Clay O'Brien
Tags: boy skinny dip
Review: On the run from the Cavalry, a man tries to disappear while accompanied by two camels and a runaway boy. His escape is made harder when he meets a widow and her daughter who may turn him in. - IMDb
Movie added at: 17.05.2023

'One Little Indian'

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