Boy skinny dip

IMDb 6.7/10  (26)
RFF 5.7/10  (10)
SC 9.7/10 

Year: 1980
Country: Soviet Union
Actors and Actresses: Ruslan Mikhnevich, Aleksey Mishin, Vasya Rusnak, Pyotr Kupriyanets, Sergei Rozhevenko, Yura Kordonski, Tatyana Naumova
Tags: boy skinny dip
Movie added at: 31.08.2013


Amintiri din copilarie
IMDb 8.1/10  (553)
RFF 7.3/10  (15)
SC 9.1/10 

Year: 1965
Country: Romania
Actors and Actresses: Ion Bocancea
Tags: boy skinny dip
Review: Loosely based on Romanian author Ion Creanga's life as a child during the 1840s. Young schoolboy Ion is growing up fast in a provincial town of the Moldavia region of Romania. Local villagers call him "Nica a lui Stefan a Petrei". The film offers a detailed account of his childhood with special focus on the relationships between Ion and the various people in his life. The relationships between Ion as a child and his parents, friends, neighbors and teachers are described. The larger context of the Romanian rural social universe of the 19th century is also touched upon. Finally, the film shows Ion's coming-of-age from an innocent child growing up in an idyllic remote village to a rebellious adolescent dreaming of becoming a priest. - IMDb
Movie added at: 31.08.2013

'Amintiri din copilarie'

Les diables
IMDb 7.1/10  (1 367)
RFF 7.5/10  (50)
SC 9.7/10 

Year: 2002
Country: France, Spain
Actors and Actresses: Adèle Haenel, Vincent Rottiers
Tags: boy skinny dip, bathing girl, girl skinny dip
Review: ...This French drama follows two orphans — Joseph (Vincent Rottiers) and the possibly autistic Chloe (Adele Haenel) — as they set out to find the parents who abandoned them in the streets years earlier. Joseph and Chloe, who does not speak, have been on their own for years, shuffling between foster homes and institutions... usually running away and being brought back over and over again. It's not really clear what's wrong with Chloe, but she's soothed by savant-like mosiacs she creates with pieces of broken glass. As the pair carry on with their journey towards a dreamed-up home they imagine to be their own, they commit crimes, flee bullies, escape an orphanage and slowly begin to discover the truth about themselves and growing up... -
Movie added at: 31.08.2013


'Les diables'

Tango argentino
IMDb 7.2/10  (878)
RFF 6.4/10  (9)
SC 7.4/10 

Year: 1992
Country: Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Actors and Actresses: Nikola Zarkovic
Tags: boy skinny dip
Review: A boy who is helping lonely, elderly people revives their urge to live and receives in return their love and understanding, which have been denied to him by his parents. - IMDb
Movie added at: 31.08.2013

'Tango argentino'

Poka byut chasy
IMDb 6.0/10  (48)
RFF 4.6/10  (8)
SC 3.1/10 

Year: 1977
Country: Soviet Union
Actors and Actresses: Margarita Sergeyecheva, Pavel Stepanov, Natalya Tenishchyova, Kseniya Turchan, Oleg Pudikov
Tags: boy skinny dip
Movie added at: 31.08.2013

'Poka byut chasy'

Die Nackten auf Rügen
RFF 6.6/10  (7)
SC 7.5/10 

Year: 1998
Country: Germany
Tags: boy skinny dip, girl skinny dip
Review: The documentary about nude resorts of Germany.
Movie added at: 31.08.2013

'Die Nackten auf Rügen'

Thalassa, Thalassa
IMDb 6.8/10  (144)
RFF 6.6/10  (17)
SC 7.8/10 

Year: 1994
Country: Germany, Romania
Actors and Actresses: Silvia Gheorghe, Cristian Paulica, Viorel Patrut, Alexandru Cirstea, Alexandru Anghel
Tags: boy skinny dip, girl skinny dip
Review: What constitutes a children's film in the rest of the world is very different from what passes muster in the U.S. of A., as demonstrated by Bogdan Dumitrescu's 1994 German/Romanian co-production Thalassa, Thalassa, Return to the Sea (Balkan Cinema: Home Truths). When a gaggle of Romanian kids stumble across an obviously stolen but cherry Jaguar convertible in a remote barn, it's off to the (presumably Black) sea for the merry band, who spend the 42 klicks doing a gentle, non-lethal variation on Lord of the Flies (without the conch). The fine sense of wonder and empowerment as the urchins motor along to parts unknown is undone for western audiences by their indulgence in all manner of vice, from drinking to smoking and banging the car up pretty good. Not to be prudish at all, but one wonders exactly what the target audience might be for a film that isn't involving enough for the kiddies (the 90 minutes is pretty pokey) nor remotely innocent enough to pass adult muster. And there are a lot of films like this in eastern Europe, artistic orphans that don't seem to have a home much of anywhere. - Yenool
Movie added at: 31.08.2013

'Thalassa, Thalassa'

The Truth About Sauna: The Truth About Finns
IMDb 6.9/10  (54)
RFF 6.4/10  (14)
SC 8.2/10 

Year: 2008
Country: Finland, Germany, France
Tags: bathing boy, boy skinny dip, bathing girl, girl skinny dip
Review: Taking sauna is the Finnish people's national obsession, so there are two of the per five Fins, and they build theme everywhere, even on military operations and aboard vessels, but preferably near a lake, to dive in even on ice days, with trees to cut whisking birches from. Weekly, usually on Saturday, is considered a hygienic minimum, daily the good life, especially in summer and holidays. It's a family and/or social activity, relaxing and removing social barriers, but also linked to sports and all kinds of bonding. - IMDb
Movie added at: 31.08.2013

'The Truth About Sauna: The Truth About Finns'

The Genesis Children
IMDb 5.1/10  (471)
RFF 7.0/10  (33)
SC 9.9/10 

Year: 1972
Country: USA
Actors and Actresses: Mike Good, Max Adams, Bubba Collins, Peter Glawson, Jack Good, Butch Burr, Greg Hill, David Johnson
Tags: boy skinny dip
Review: In the decades since release, no similar film has generated more public interest, or conroversy, than The Genesis Children. Considered lost for almost twenty years, The Genesis Children has acquired mythic stature among art house devotees. Peter Glawson portrays the charismatic leader of a high-spirited student group on holiday in Italy. The surreal adventures of Peter and friends have been described as a free-flowing "multi-sensual symphony," bereft of traditional story line. One national critic described the boys' anarchic reveiry as a "dream-like descent from civilization into the chaos reminiscent of Lord of the Flies."
Movie added at: 31.08.2013

'The Genesis Children'

Ivan Pavlov. Poiski istiny
IMDb 6.9/10  (8)
RFF 6.3/10  (6)
SC 7.6/10 

Year: 1985
Country: Soviet Union
Actors and Actresses: Vladik Istomin, Serezha Ignatyev, Oleg Ladygin, Dima Shigashov, Alesha Kabanov, Serezha Bulychyov, Roma Bagrov
Tags: boy skinny dip
Movie added at: 31.08.2013

'Ivan Pavlov. Poiski istiny'

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