Naerata ometi

IMDb 7.4/10  (283)
RFF 6.1/10  (8)
SC 8.2/10 

Year: 1985
Country: Soviet Union
Actors and Actresses: Kerttu Aaving
Review: The setting for this grim drama is a home for children of alcoholics, criminals, or emotionally impaired parents who do not want their children and cannot take care of them anyway. Mixed in with the traumatized teens at this institution are also orphans who almost seem to have it better. Mari (Monika Jarv) comes to the home after her drunken father throws her out of the house. She escapes immediately but then is forced back into the institution when she has a run-in with a group of street toughs. The kids in the institution give her a hard time and just when she is trying to survive their harrassment, she discovers that Robi (Hendrik Toompers), one of the teens who attacked her, is also a resident, and admired by the others because he antagonizes the teachers. Just as Mari's difficulties reach a climax, Robi steps in to help her, and from that moment onward, a friendship begins, albeit one with a very uncertain future. - Eleanor Mannikka, All Movie Guide
Movie added at: 31.08.2013

'Naerata ometi'

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